
Listen: Mr. Lif “The Sun”

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Turns out those dreadlocks aren't suffocating Lif's brain.

At first I reacted with my usual indifference when I read Mr. Lif's latest offering would be one song every few weeks leading up to the election, including a post-November 4 wrap-up song and an Inauguration Day album to boot. It wasn't so much the concept as it was the first single “Heard It Today.” I hated it.

“The Sun” is a different story. To quote Ghostface, “look who's shining again.” Oh my, my, my.

Mr. Lif, “The Sun”

Suddenly, my normally apathetic attitude towards political rap has… dare I say… hope.

If you feel so inclined, you can purchase “The Sun” (the song, not the giant star) at the iTunes store.