
Neighbors, “Sexy Prison”

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i love neighbors

Seattle-by-way-of-Philly band Neighbors is coming at you with a host of kinetic energy as strong and powerful as a teenager loose in a suburban mall. The pace and momentum of the track “Sexy Prison” is one part driven by wildly flailing guitars and galloping drum beats, while another part of it is let loose by vocals that beg and contour with a desire for mercy. “I will never forget the way she loved me” is sang with equal desperation and celebration and in vocal pauses, guitars shred, as if the two are in musical conversation. Five minutes can't contain the excitement that runs through this track and we can't wait to hear what Neighbors has to offer in their upcoming 10″ through Manic Pop! Records. It's called I Love Neighbors (us too!) and comes out on June 10.

Stream “Sexy Prison” below and then peep Neighbors' Bandcamp to preview a few more from the upcoming release.
