
Ty Segall & White Fence, “I Am Not a Game”

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In this day and age, I guess “garage musician” and “compulsive hardworkers” are becoming synonyms, at least in San Francisco. Who would have thought this historically slacked genre would be home to the most uncontrollable songwriters in rock and roll right now? When we last heard from White Fence, our man Presley was playing something like 73,854 shows at SXSW, all with a fever giving him the chills. But here he re-appears in this new single with ol' Ty “Five-to-Eight” Segall, nicknamed as such based on how many records he puts out a year.

“I Am Not a Game”, of of this upcoming duet Hair, is definitely a Presley-written track about the first thirty seconds, when the pair stomp on the pedal, remove the twinkly psych organ, and drip into the deep guitar fuzz of the Segall catalogue. And then, after the verse, the pedal hits again, and there we are back in Presley land, everything chuckly and tightly-strapped, and you can see Presley up there sneering in his blue Member's Only, making sure you're paying attention. Back and forth, with Segall backing vocally, the song goes from one to the other, until it devolves into a up-tempo jam face-off, dueling banjos into the sky with diamonds. This is exactly the moment when we can finally see that this is going to be A GREAT FUCKING RECORD. Thanks for working so hard, boys.

White Fence & Ty Segall, “I Am Not a Game”