
Watch: Mike Relm, “Everytime”

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Mike Relm goes M. Night Shyamalan for new video. Del stays Funkee.

Produced and directed by Mike Relm, “Everytime” is the first aural/visual offering from the tie-clad VJ/DJ since his Clown Alley DVD. Relm seems to be vaguely hinting of an album this fall, possibly called Spectacle or maybe he's just referring to his live set?

After a little research, Spectacle is indeed a new Mike Relm album, but like his previous releases, obtaining a copy takes digging or paypal.

Nonetheless, anything new from Mike Relm is worth getting hyphy.

The “Everytime” video features Del The Funkee Homosapien, but two alternate versions also exist with Mr. Lif and Adeem of Glue.