
What we'll do when MBV is in town

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Yesterday, My Bloody Valentine's incumbent reign over New York's first All Tomorrow's Parties music festival was announced approximately 250 times via blogs, foghorns, smoke signals, and incoherent, agitated babbling up and down the eastern seaboard. This is because, like an eclipse glimpsed between the arches of Stonehenge on summer solstice, this is shit you will never get to see with your own eyes.

[From Motormouth media]

due to the boutique nature of this festival, press credentials will be highly limited and limited to only those media personally covering the event in full. if you want to make SURE you or your publication is there we suggest you purchase tickets. This festival is 1/30 the size of a Coachella festival or the like.

Due to the bodega-like nature of our daily existence, we will spend the time in early September during which My Bloody Valentine, Thurston Moore, Tortoise, Meat Puppets and Built To Spill play their iconic albums and Shellac, Mogwai, Polvo, Fuck Buttons, Autolux, The Drones, Low, Wooden Shjips (really?), Edan/Dagha and Thee Silver Mount Zion Orchestra support, doing our laundry. Because really, what better way is there to celebrate the last breaths of summer than to separate your whites and darks into separate piles and watch them spin in circles for a few hours?

Did we mention that the party goes down two hours from New York, that individual tickets are $225, and that this is what ATP is officially offering for accommodations?

1 double bed, 1 single bed 3 $450
1 double bed, 1 single bed, 1 fold out bed 4 $600
1 double bed, 1 single bed (or fold out bed), 1 sofa bed 5 $750
1 double bed, 2 single bed, 1 fold out bed 5 $750
2 double beds, 1 sofa bed 6 $900
2 double beds, 2 single bed 6 $900
2 double beds, 1 sofa bed, 1 fold out bed 7 $1050

So yes, we'll be doing our laundry. We'll also be

  • practicing karaoke
  • going to Todd P shows. Sigh.
  • purchasing mouthwash, new socks
  • contemplating MBV backlash, circa 2009
  • raising our blood alcohol content
  • urinating on bathroom floors (see previous)
  • gluing cardboard cut outs of Kevin Shields to popsicle sticks, re-envisioning ATP for local cats
  • renting Terminator 2, Silence of the Lambs, Cape Fear and other doom-ridden movies that came out the same year as Loveless
  • waiting for Portishead to show up in New York and carry us a few years closer to the year 2000