
What to read right now XI

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Here's the indefatigable Caleb J. Ross writes to the cigar company, Drew Estate, demonstrating how influential they are in his writing career. This is over @ Bull Men's Fiction:

Therefore, Mr. Estate, if you are still reading this, you must either 1) assume I am an idiot for thinking the ‘Estate’ in Drew Estate is a last name, or 2) are intrigued enough not to care. So where does this leave us? Though you surely don’t need me to craft your good name (my voice is meek, your reputation huge), I feel we could still enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship wherein a few social crannies, as well as my mouth, are filled with your product.

We find out the constant pain of transparent skin in “Window Woman” by Faith Gardner. @ decomP.

I have colorless skin. Not Caucasian skin, whitewashed peachbrown: I mean transparent skin, skin you can see the world of ticking arteries and flexing muscles and bubbling sacks and grasping tubes through. There is no sleeve long enough, no concealer thick enough, to hide the red rushing insides of me

Masin Perrina meets a spider in “On The Way To School.” @ Everyday Genius

A tiny spider swung into the passenger seat,
brandishing its tiny arms like a hijacker.