
Bands speak up about The Silent Barn

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This Thursday, October 8, we’ll be hosting a benefit show to help support the rebuilding efforts at The Silent Barn following a fire they suffered last weekend. Curated by Alyse Lamb of EULA, Parlor Walls, and Famous Swords, the show will feature sets Celestial Shore, Mega Bog, Parlor Walls, Real Adult, SIRENS, and a DJ set by Future Punx. Along with the tremendous talent she put together, Alyse also gathered statements from the bands performing about why the Barn is important to them, and why they’re inspired to play a show to help bring it back stronger than ever.

These brief statements offer our readers a glimpse into what makes Silent Barn special to musicians and artists in Brooklyn, but more importantly, the impact a creative community-driven space can have on its residents. If anything, these words should inspire you to help start your own Silent Barn.

Sam Owens (Celestial Shore)

“Sometimes I disappear for weeks or months, and I forget that the barn is always there. I wander in and see the faces, the beautiful people, the rock and roll, the art shows and the studios. I rejoice.”

Jake Pepper (Future Punx)

“Silent Barn’s importance to Brooklyn’s DIY music community cannot be overstated. Their overall atmosphere of openminded inclusiveness has consistently made me feel at home as a showgoer and artist since the first time I visited the old space (Dan Deacon… CMJ 07 I think?) [Editor’s note: That was Impose’s first ever CMJ show]. I’ve enjoyed and played too many shows to count between both their spaces, and feel infinite gratitude for their willingness to book new, forward-thinking artists. Future Punx are meant to play there for Dull Tools CMJ showcase on October 17, here’s hoping this fundraiser helps make that happen! Truly, from all of us in Future Punx, endless love to the Barn and all those who make it happen.”

Alyse Lamb (Parlor Walls, Famous Swords)

“From afar, Silent Barn is a patchwork of artists, curators and residents working together to create a safe artistic space. Once you play or attend a Silent Barn show, you see how much passion, sweat & tears have gone into one production. They give countless hours to maintain one of the most creative and supportive spaces in New York. Now it is our time to support them and help them persevere.”

It’s a functional, surviving, artistic Utopia, built by the people, for the people.

Matt Bachmann (Mega Bog)

“It’s imperative to have spaces like Silent Barn that prioritize community in a city this big. They’re on one.”

Real Adult

“What can I say about The Silent Barn that they haven’t already said in action throughout their 10+ years of operation? I could say that it’s one of the most beloved creative spaces in all of NYC, offering essential support to countless artists, and has established itself as a standard-bearer for DIY arts spaces all over the world. But talk is cheap — which is fine, since the Barn has walked it year after year. The fire is tragic for sure, but to be honest, I’m only so concerned for the future of the space… because as we’ve seen before, the community that they’ve so lovingly cultivated will spring to action, and the well-oiled machine that is The Silent Barn will do whatever it takes to not only bounce back, but to build something even better from the water damaged rubble. Emerge from the ashes, Phoenix style. Compassion, resilience, collective ingenuity; these are the rewards of community. It takes a village, and who has built a better village than them?”

Paris Mancini (SIRENS)

“Silent Barn is responsible for much of the current sound scene in Bushwick. It’s a key staple here for sure. For me it’s been a place where I know I can see unknown/touring bands play face-melting fresh shit in the same night as a infamous Brooklyn band shredding to their devoted crowd. They don’t discriminate. They want to give everyone a chance. And through their stages of growth and success they’ve stayed true to the grassroots & DIY spirit. Like renting super cheap mutant studio space to like-minded makers, people forming places like an art scrap store that has cheap printmaking and sewing classes and a pay-what-you-can hair salon/record store. It’s a functional, surviving, artistic Utopia, built by the people, for the people. In the New York everyone claims to be so overpriced and dead, Silent Barn and other DIY spaces are VITAL to keeping Brooklyn’s flavor electric and undeniably infectious.”