
Gosh Pith, “True Blue”

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Just when you think you’ve heard all there is to hear from Gosh Pith, they drop another stellar track. “True Blue” starts off like a vibey mid-2000’s song at the beginning, with sound effects similar to some of those sampled by great acts from the time like Aaliyah. Then the vocals hit, and it feels a lot more modern with the way the lyrics are woven into the instrumentals.

It’s pretty intricate, with sultry vocals and a really fun feel to it.

This is what the guys had to say about the track:

The idea for ‘True Blue’ came to us while we were in the car late one night driving home from a show at a college town in the Midwest – we got pulled over and had a real trippy hour or so with a state trooper. Like most of our music, sex, love, and drugs are the forefront of the story but at its essence of the song is really just about staying true to yourself and everything you stand for.