
Memorial Day in the Age of Metta World Peace

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Yesterday, Metta World Peace (the Laker formerly known as Ron Artest) screwed this one up:

(Screen capture from ESPN)
The tweet has since been deleted, and for remission of his sin, Metta World Peace devoted the rest of the day's Internet prescence to encouraging service personnel and the loved ones of those lost in wars to tweet their memories at Metta World Peace and have them retweeted.
To be fair: “Hey , it's not Labor Day.. Enough..,” he went on to tweet later, “I partied like three rockstars yesterday…. Woke so twisted I thought I was labor day..Mistake.move on.”
It's easy to forgive Metta World Peace, a native of Queensbridge, when much of the city regards the holiday as Strawberry Daiquiri and Beef Weekend. Or Sex in a Tent Upstate Monday.
While I initially believed that his newfound name was a misspelling, or one of those Facebook alterations made to give sys-ops the appearance of an actual name, “Metta” is the first of the four states of the sublime, in which you cultivate a “loving-kindness” toward yourself and then send it outward, with amnity and benevelonce;
Radiating kindness over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths;
Outwards and unbounded,
Freed from hatred and ill-will.