
Week in Pop: Crushed Out, Night Riders, Plum Professional, Sims

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From the lineage of Hoops—Drew & Jack's new musical outfit Permit; press photo courtesy of the artists.
From the lineage of Hoops—Drew & Jack’s new musical outfit Permit; press photo courtesy of the artists.

Drew & Jack from Hoops launched the offshoot Permit with word that their Vol. 1 7″ will be available December 2 via Bandcamp sharing a listen to the scuzz & scruffy sweetness of “Track #1”. A significantly more lo-fi and muddier sound than their Hoops output; Drew & Jack together blaze up a stormy set of chords that will instantly appeal to all of your tough & delicate sensibilities at once. And though these two are dealing in the most brazen blaze of distortion they are sneaky enough to hide some really catchy & peppy hooks beneath the layers of chaotic winds.

Permit is the band that you sneak off to see while risking truancy & condemnation from the authoritative elders. “Track #1” despite it’s simplistic title is a cornucopia of quick shredding licks that will ignite your passion for anything & everything fed through a Big Muff pedal. Like Hoops’ own ability to make infectious garage pop with heart, Permit is the sound of a joyous rebellion that occurs whenever & wherever you want without permission or city zoning permits. The duo provided us with the following exclusive introduction to their new offshoot reflecting on the formation of Permit & the making of their new Vol. 1 7″:

We [Drew and Jack] had both been listening to loads of 80s punk and 70s power pop, and wanted to write some songs together outside of our respective projects [Hoops and Daguerreotype]. This project was a great deal of fun for both of us, and helped us both grow in our recording abilities on a four track. “Track #1” is our favorite song on the EP.