
Week in Pop: Crushed Out, Night Riders, Plum Professional, Sims

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Emperor X

Catching & keeping up with Emperor X; press photo courtesy of the artist.
Catching & keeping up with Emperor X; press photo courtesy of the artist.

Emperor X is now part of the Tiny Engines with word of a new LP available later in spring 2017 titled Oversleepers International and we’ve been rocking out to “Wasted on the Senate Floor” that is the sound of the most exciting US senate session that has never happened. Matheny rages against the lackluster so-called systems/formalities & cogs of the alleged democratic process that the artist elaborated on with the following:

This song has always been about—to the extent any song I write is about anything—what it’s like to live and love in a world where hegemonic media, late capitalism, and manufactured pseudo-consent destroy democracy. Seems like a good time to release it, doesn’t it