
Week in Pop: Crushed Out, Night Riders, Plum Professional, Sims

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Introducing New Orleans' Lawn; press photo courtesy of the band.
Introducing New Orleans’ Lawn; press photo courtesy of the band.

Ruy De Magalhaes who plays bass in one of our fave bands IZE just released the EP Big Sprout via their other band Lawn. The New Orleans trio of Mac Folger, Ruy & Nick Corson contributes to the global cause to make alt. rock awesome again with super sweet power chord anthems like “Sweet”, the abrasive blare & glare of “Prefect” right before they hit you with their brilliant “Familiar” that echoes a host of feels that have their own familiarity.

Like the infectious aspects & elements of the IZE sound, Lawn makes music that is good for parties on the backyard astro-turf or the porch with all the feel-good vibes you can imagine. “Sweet” is that song that you to play for the whole family, while “Prefect” is the one that will inspire you & the gang to start up peppy punk-ish group in a neighbor’s garage. And as stated previously, “Familiar” is that song that is poised to be Lawn’s big college radio breakout single that is the kind of material that many alt. pop groups have built accolade winning albums around. Ruy De Magalhaes provided us with the following exclusive preface to Lawn’s Big Sprout with the following words:

We’ve known each other through going to shows for a while. I [bassist/vocalist] used to play in a band in which Nick [drums] drummed for a little bit. Mac [guitar/vocals] used to live/run this house venue called Heavens Gate where all of our friends’ bands played, so that’s how we met him. The three of us moved in together and decided to form a band. We recorded most of Big Sprout in our house in about two days.