
Adult Mom, “Paws”

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Last August, Purchase New York’s Stephanie Knipe released the hushed and heartbreaking album i fell in love by accident. Since then, Knipe has performed with a full band, composed of Jack Tomascak, Jen Sinski, and KT McManus. Sometimes Bad Happens is Adult Mom’s first full band affair, but none of Knipe’s trademark intimacy has been lost. The first single, “Paws”, is a perfect example. The first incarnation of “Paws” was creaky and whispering, as if it was secretly recorded under a blanket past bedtime, but on Sometimes Bad Happens, it blooms with a new type of confidence. Knipe uses a puppy p.o.v. in “Paws” to illustrate working through a toxic relationship : “I know that I’m a puppy / And diggin’ is an honorable hobby / But 24 months is a long time / To sift through shit to try and find / The tennis ball that you once threw / Cuz my nose is weak / and my paws are bruised.”

Adult Mom also just released a split with Cyberbully Mom Club and I Tried To Run Away When I Was 6. Adult Mom’s Sometimes Bad Happens will be released on August 22 through Miscreant Records. Pre-order the tape here.

Stream “Paws” below.