
Birthday, “Do It All The Time”

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The advent of the internet has sprung forth a groundswell of acts that have shared more dropbox files than hours in the studio. Such is the case with new duo Birthday, a pairing of London singer Kamran Khan and German producer Luka. The two decided to make music together after finding common creative ground, and recently released “Do It All The Time”, the first track they created as a collective.

The group displays an impressive amount of chemistry, even from a distance. Luka’s soaring, immersive production is a glove-fit for Khan’s resonant, tranquil vocals. Khan’s lyrics are a bit drowned by the reverb at points, but the vigor with which he harmonizes conveys his sentiment. The track’s crisp 808 drums cut through Luka’s mesmerizing guitar play and dense texturing to create a compelling fusion of electro, R&B and ambient industrial pop.

Little is known about the group’s future plans at this point, but if “Do it All The Time” is any indication, they have plenty of good music to come.