
Cars & Trains, “Nations”

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From the Pacific Northwest is a premiere of Cars & Trains “Nations” from the forthcoming album We Are All Fire. Frontman Tom Filepp is big on working within narratives pertaining to the familial connections. Perfect visions of countries from the past are re-imagined and re-rendered as stable, steadfast, and more than self-sufficient – national utopias suitable for returning to at any time. “Nations” where the strings and warm pulse provide mental visuals work hand in hand with the lyrical proselytizing of, “There will come a time when all that's left is a hint of a name, a few crumpled maps marking borders where nobody has been.”

For the third Cars & Trains album, Filepp has enlisted help from his fellow Portlanders from the likes of Ascetic Junkies, Alameda, Astronautalis, Ceschi Ramos, Future Historians, Rickolus and more on We Are All Fire due September 18 from Fake Four Inc. / Circle Into Square.