
Hillary Susz, “Dead Stars”

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If you love Angel Olsen or any alternative folk/artists as of late (You’re thinking Seasaw, right?), then Hillary Susz is probably already on your radar. Straight out of Boulder, Colorado, she is everything you’d hope to have in an up-and-coming artist. She possesses strength in her conviction and vocals, grace and poise in her presentation, and a well-read student of poetry and creative writing, which in turn lends itself to her stunning songwriting talents. We’ve got the exclusive premiere of her latest track “Dead Stars”, and it’s a definite stunner.

Slow and steady guitar opens “Dead Stars” in an almost atmospheric way. Hillary’s voice follows suit, not quite rock but not quite opera in its classification. As stated previously, her vocals have a depth and a strength to them that is inviting and warm to the audience. Though there are very turbulent periods during the song when it feels like it may be going the way of a rock anthem, it always rounds back to its slow tempo with simplistic guitar. No less memorable for this fact, we could see ourselves playing this in any environment. Grandma may enjoy it, you can rock a baby to sleep with it (punny), and I can’t imagine the crowd at a backyard BBQ rejecting it either.

And perhaps that’s just what the world needs right now.

Hillary Susz plays No Name Bar in Boulder on August 12th.