
Kirk O'Bain, “Gh0st”

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Kirk O'Bain

Arriving in our inboxes early for that Monday morning grind, we received the single and video for “Gh0st”, from a mysterious project titled, Kirk O'Bain. Taking a ride on that paranormal plane, the song takes its cues from 80s revived “Tell it To My Heart“-era Taylor Dayne keyboard sparkles that climbs every synthesizer mountain in a move toward higher grounds.

Our attempts to gain further information about this new po-mo indie-pop vehicle was rewarded with a terse gleaming into Kirk O'Bain. “The ['Gh0st'] track and video all came together yesterday after I ate some pizza, sometimes pizza inspires all,” in response to our inquiry into how the various lo and hi fi things made up this lost new romantic gem. “The fact that Kirk O'bain sounds like Kurt Cobain is a coincidence”, we were told regarding the name titling similarity, before being left with the open-ended possibility of further recordings or perhaps nothing at all. “No plans for the future, just vibing the present, you know?”

Listen to “Gh0st” here.

Watch the following visual accompaniment for “Gh0st” here:

Keep an ear on Kirk O'Bain's Soundcloud for any future developments.