
Live Island, “King”

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The world of electronic music is a weird one—whenever I read anything about the genre, writers tend to claim the music emerges from one of three physical spaces: the cosmos, the jungle, or the dance club. Sometimes the music can come from all three places, sometimes from none at all (of course, I’m generalizing here). “King”, from Kentucky-based Live Island, is a great example of the possibility of intersection between geography and electronic aesthetic.

The track begins with eerie, spacy synths before a primal, nearly tribal sounding beat repeats ad nauseum. It’s a mesmerizing sound that draws you into the world that Live Island creates, one that is equally topographical and cosmological. We’re pleased to be premiering “King” here, along with its remix, or its “Home Dub”. Whereas the original mix finds its tarnished gleam in textural minimalism, “Home Dub” nearly sheds the “minimal.” It’s the bare bones of a dance track, a reminder of the glitch and digital derivation of electronic music. There’s nothing organic about it, a chilling reminder of the true origin of the genre.

“King” will be the inaugural 10” release from Hi-Definition, the pop arm of the already established alt-techno/electronic experimental imprint Acoustic Division.

“King” is out July 15 via Hi-Definition.