
Matthew Barlow, “Sun Showers”

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In a recent dialect test hosted by the New York Times, one question asked what you would call a storm while the sun is shining, the most obvious answer being a “sun shower.” Among the other responses, there were “the wolf is giving birth,” “a fox's wedding,” and “pineapple rain,” which, despite their obvious hilarity, are poetic alternatives to a mysterious element. Matthew Barlow's latest single, “Sun Showers”, is an homage to the fickle brand of precipitation, a fifteen-minute tribute to the simultaneously melancholic and joyful weather that happens on late summer eves and in satisfyingly short spurts. The track is part experimental and lightly lilting, but it also moves with fluid ease, inserting the occasional playful tone to balance out the drones and unleash the image of a bright, damp sun.

“Sun Showers” comes from Matthew Barlow's debut full-length of the same name, which releases in February through Australia's Preservation Records.