
Never Young, “Full Body Mirror”

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Never Young

Oakland's Never Young are a two-headed outfit that specialize in deflating the bubble of pop punk with artful noise, or perhaps sweeten the rampage of art punk with their bleeding hearts. Whichever suites your needs, Never Young attack their recordings as though noise and pop aesthetic are not mutually exclusive, but rather passionately involved.

On “Full Body Mirror” the duo span the winter months in which we seek comfort in layers, as a defense against judgment and as a necessity. “Full Body Mirror” poses the question on the chorus, “do you take off all your clothes when you sleep at night?”, as though it's an act of confidence and take the bravery further with, “do you peel off your skin around your friends?”. Never Young are curious how you deal with being exposed, seeking a side to breakthrough (consider it a portal much like Jim Morrison envisioned) together. It's a track that is only for the sure of heart and self, like passing through fire in some cultures. Rarely does one associate vulnerability and elegiac lyrics with angular guitars and television fuzz, but Never Young's Master Copy record make it seem as though it was meant to be.

Portions of Never Young's Master Copy are streaming on its Bandcamp and the album will get a cassette release on Father/Daughter in May. The album was recorded at Secret Bedroom with Max Senna.

Never Young's Master Copy is out May 6 on Father/Daughter.