
Prudence, “Fair Witness”

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Prudence Rees-Lee has just released her new track, “Fair Witness,” and you can listen to it first here on Impose. She’s a musician and performer  from Australia, and spends her time between Melbourne and LA. Her debut album came out in 2013, and she’s been making music ever since. She’s also a classically trained cellist, which is super awesome.

What’s even cooler is that she’s a co-founder of Schema47, which is an experimental research studio. the studio draws from many different fields such as planetary science, literary theory, dance, computer science, biology, and many more.

“Fair Witness” has an instantly spacey vibe, combined with the spiciness and tension of a song fit for a sexy tango. Her voice is high and wispy but strong and sensual. The strings of the cello mixed with the guitar and drums blend together seamlessly. This track is over before you know it, at only a minute and 55 seconds long, and it leaves longing for more.