
QWAM, "Glitter Paint"

Post Author: Mike Mehalick

Photo Credit: Karen Sophia Colon

In just under a year, Brooklyn-based group QWAM have emerged with the speed and urgency that their sound runs in tandem with. Comprised of Felicia Lobo (lead vox), Matt Keim (guitar), Eddie Kuspiel (bass) and Rachel Zisette (drums) are following up quickly on their November-released debut EP, Queen With A Megaphone, with the Feed Me short player out January 19th. Today, Impose Magazine is bringing you the exclusive premiere of “Glitter Paint,” the exhilarating last single off of the EP.
“Glitter Paint” grabs you by the collar from the jump as Lobo counts in and leaps forward with unwavering energy and intensity backed by classic backing punk “whoas.” Buzzsaw guitars and breakneck rhythms carry the raucous track as visions of sweaty bodies clanging together and cheap beers spilled in the air are culled by the QWAM storm.
The band shares:
“‘You are me and I am you, can I crawl inside of you?’ ‘Glitter Paint’ is about getting lost in another person. You can begin to feel an unhealthy ownership over each other and eventually there is no ‘you,’ there is only ‘us.’ It’s important to hold onto who you are.”
Stream QWAM’s “Glitter Paint” below, pre-order Feed Me here and catch them at their EP release show on January 24th at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, NY (tickets).