
Roomrunner, “Chrono Trigger”

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When Roomrunner’s “Chrono Trigger” arrived at our doorstep, we gave it that squinty look of unfamiliarity. While 2013’s Ideal Cities had its melodic moments tucked within the caterwaul of grunge, the Roomrunner that showed up to the sessions with J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines) must have been heavily medicating on Dismemberment Plan and Archers of Loaf.

Roomrunner’s “Chrono Trigger” finds a once self-sustaining band bringing that same co-op mentality to an engineer that can lessen the load on its shoulders. The Separate EP finds Roomrunner placing a deeper emphasis on the lyrical content, exploring the ever-relatable issue of digesting disappointment.

Roomrunner’s Separate EP is out October 21 on Accidental Guest Recordings.