
Saintes, “TV Fairy Tales”

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Crash Symbols is expanding to include collaborations with Parisian bands, particularly a dark wave collective known as nøthing. The first collaborative release comes from founding member of nøthing, Anne-Sophie Le Creurer. Her lo-fi solo project Saintes combines the brooding machinations of dark wave with trademarks of grunge, 60's girl-group r&b, and a track that feels like the blown out Parisian equivalent of EMA's “California” in “Mermaidz Dream”.

Saintes' Horizontal/Vertical is a fearless record of experimental synths, dusted-off samples, and Anne-Sophie's ethereal croon. She maneuvers with ease into styles like grunge and Spector-esque pop as though each genre shared DNA. She can get as heavy as a My Bloody Valentine set performed in a cubby hole and as breezy as eating cotton candy on the boardwalk. “TV Fairy Tales” is of the former variety, as Anne-Sophie hunkers down inside a buzzing ripper of shoegaze signfiers. Here, she is not ethereal or angelic, but a falcon with predatorial instincts.

Saintes' Horizontal/Vertical is out now via Crash Symbols.