
ShowYouSuck shows it off for “80's Boobs” video

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Chicago's ShowYouSuck might have come off as a tad misogynistic with his Dude Bro single “80's Boobs” and we might have perpetuated the matter by asking him to discuss his love further in a Selector feature. With the release of the “80's Boobs” video, ShowYouSuck exposes the track to a naked honesty that might have been overlooked in initial listens.

As the camera pans out and ShowYouSuck raps about watching classic 80s teen films on the couch with his lady, the screen runs counter-commentary to the criticisms that come with objectifying the female form. Both humorous and speaking to the “good power you”, the comments range from “being a woman is tough, sorry about that” to “this song isn't really about boobs” as ShowYouSuck holds up a power fist, only to playfully admit with a follow-up “OK nevermind that, it kinda is”. The bra-burning by a half-exposed ShowYouSuck is the grand finale to a video that not only draws attention to enpowering lyrics that are buried in the song, but to the rapper's feminist awareness — a rareity in the genre.

ShowYouSuck's Dude Bro EP is out now on iTunes.