
A Band in Pictures, “Thursday”

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A Band in Pictures

Denver's A Band in Pictures are more than just the image of new indie band. Formerly known as Abandin Pictures, their phonetic title world play sounds out 'abandon' as much as they are referencing the photo faces and surface understanding of artistry through jpegs displays of the personnel. With their album Who Killed the Dinosaurs coming in late March; Jake Supple, Noah Pfaff, Connor Birch, Nick Berlin, Emerson Murphy give us one of the first listens to their disc with the day-of-the-week-appropriate premiere of, “Thursday”.

Though the designated day of “Thursday” is not referenced anywhere in the song, A Band in Pictures has made a production that they described to us as, “about our lives every Thursday night.” The feeling of pre-weekend excitement and nervous hopes is relayed with wishful guitars with electric angel hair strings, a central and simple drum machine beat, and uplifting, “hold your head up high” vocals. The chords speak in their own lyrical of language that transforms everything in “Thursday” into the sound of a waking epiphany where the realization that the work and school week has progressed over the midway hump of drudgery. While this particular day finds many of us deliriously dreaming of Friday, Saturday, or Sunday; “Thursday” chases away all semblances of despair as A Band in Pictures rips the static vacation vibes from the vicarious tease of Facebook thumbnails for a sound that softly beckons the weekend's arrival.

A Band in Pictures gives us a view of the band's family-like connection, thoughts on Denver life, Broncos Super Bowl XLVIII excitement, and more.

Days of the week are often terrific song titles, everyone has some different connotation to different days, and I just want to know what lead you all to the title “Thursday”, what does that day signify and what other connotative items of memory and or association is shared with this day?

“Thursday” is a song about going out with your friends. We were celebrating the end of the week early and meeting lots of new people at the time. Although the song never says “Thursday” it is very much about our lives every Thursday night.

Then your name A Band in Pictures, is this a kind of self-referential moniker describing yourselves as if crystallized in a static photo, and how did the name come about?

At first we were named Abandin Pictures band after the play on words. We settled on a name because we needed one at the time. Looking back, I think it can be interpreted many ways. You know, the fact that a band will always just be a band in pictures until you get to see them live. Then the band comes to life. It was also a touch on the generation we live in. A generation where physical photographs aren't nearly as important to people, which I think can be synonymous with a lot of things these days.

How did you all band up together?

Our backgrounds' interweave going all the way back to when Jake and Noah were growing up. The two have been basically brothers since birth. The collective group joined in staggering waves from meeting Connor in middle school, to living with Emerson and Nick in the dorms at university. We moved into a house together and have been living with each other since. We consider ourselves family at this point.

It seems like Denver has a great eclectic thing, what continues to inspire and or inform your music and livelihoods whilst living up, a mile high?

Denver is a little big city which has its benefits and downfalls. It is a pit stop for almost every artist who is on a US tour, so there are constantly shows to see and people to meet. Yet, it also has a local scene that is building a name for itself. From the Underground Music Showcase to Red Rocks, Denver has things that other cities don't. We all come from relatively small towns and being in the city of Denver has opened our eyes to the wonders of city living. At the same time, it makes us wonder what bigger and “move developed” cities are like. We're excited for where we might end up in the future.

With the recent Colorado legalization of the grass, what has the general vibe around your parts? Irie? Double irie? Super irie? Kinda irie?


Thoughts on Broncos in the Super Bowl? Bets? Projections? Wagers? Predictions? Is this relevant to you all?

The Broncos are going to take it all the way! All of Denver is stoked right now, definitely the most excited we've seen this town since moving here.

A Band in Pictures' album Who Killed The Dinosaurs will be available March 25