
SPORTS, “Saturday”

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Sports, "Saturday", All Of Something

SPORTS’ debut cassette, Sunchokes, was as delightfully lo-fi as it was catchy. Although their DIY college pop was beginning to take hold of both their local Ohio and the Internet, SPORTS’ future is unclear even with a full length, All Of Something, on the horizon. Such is the nature of a college band—just as they gain traction, members graduate, spread around the country, and lives start to get in the way. With all but one member of SPORTS leaving Kenyon College, they won’t be able to tour their new album. Released through Father/Daughter on October 30, All Of Something will have the heightened production to match the label signing. By leveraging burgeoning musical friendships and a few shared bills with Swearin’, SPORTS were able to get in the studio with increasingly prolific producer Kyle Gilbride for the record.

“Saturday,” a brief ditty clocking in at just over a minute, is our first taste of All Of Something. Keeping the same lo-fi mindset as Sunchokes but aided by much cleaner recording, “Saturday” has the same accessible, catchy riffs as we’ve come to expect from SPORTS. The endearingly vulnerable, dense lyrics lament the insecurities of youthful transition, but they’re approached with a healthy dose of levity and upbeat optimism. With a song that embraces its captivating simplicity as well as “Saturday” does, it’s hard not to feel at least a little warm and fuzzy inside.

All Of Something is out October 30 on Father/Daughter.