
Teen Daze & Camp Counselors team up

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Teen Daze

When we learned that not only would Camp Counselors and Teen Daze be embarking on a tour together, but that the label mates would be kicking it together a week before to get acquainted, we suggested making a mix together as a bonding tool. Though they barely knew each other previously, they had much in common when it came to Twin Peaks and ambient music, which became their focus for the Friday Night Mix. The boys explaing their process further:

For this mix we decided to compile a selection of songs from artists that we'd been talking about over the past few weeks. We've known each other for the past year, but this week has been the first time that the two of us have hung out for an extended period of time. Though there's lots of time spent practicing and talking about the set, the band has had plenty of time to just sit around, drink some cold beverages, and discuss the finer things in life. For us, the conversation turns to music and film with an elegant ease, and we've discovered that our tastes have lined up in an almost eerily similar way. When it came time to sit down and compile this mix, we thought about the last week and tried to create something that showcased a lot of the artists we'd discussed. Little did we know that this selection of music we'd compiled in an iTunes playlist would come out the way it did. Our shared love of Twin Peaks, ambient music and dark film scores comes through in this mix in a pretty strong way. We pictured this being a soundtrack to a Friday night spent driving somewhere; at moments, it feels like the score to a late-night city drive, at others it feels like a cold, winter night in the country. We feel that the album art represents this beautifully.

We mixed the songs in real time, on a Friday night, in Jamison's living room, and we hope you enjoy it.

Teen Daze/Camp Counselors Tracklisting:
David Wise – Aquatic Ambience
Anenon (feat. Laura Teasley) – Embers
Rachel Zeffira – Letters From Tokyo (Sayonara)
Goblin – Est
Cliff Martinez – Sister, Pt. 1
Chromatics – Last Wish
Julee Cruise – Mysteries Of Love
Emeralds – Goes By
Julia Holter – He's Running Through My Eyes
Mount Eerie – Between Two Mysteries
Vangelis – Wait For Me

Teen Daze's Glacier and Camp Counselors' Huntress are both out now on Lefse.