
Teen Mom, “I’m In Love With His Dreams”

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If the MTV show “Teen Mom” or its spin off “Teen Mom 2” were anything like the D.C. fuzz pop group Teen Mom, then I’d probably watch both on the regular. But since few episodes of the faux-reality show deal with lo-fi punk bands (in fact my research shows zero episodes dealing with this topic, unless you count an episode titled “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”), I’ll have to settle for the next best thing: rocking out to the aforementioned band’s new song, “I’m In Love With His Dreams”.

The new single starts with a math-y drum beat and jangly guitar and then meanders its way from one groovy section to the next, as singer Chris Kelly murmurs lines like, “Come back away from me, I found it hard to be/away from you for long/and where do you belong?” After a practically whispered bridge, the volume explodes, before finishing strong with an extended guitar solo. Throughout it’s many dramatic shifts, “I’m In Love With His Dreams” remains mellow, calming, and interesting in a way that I assume is that exact opposite of what television execs were going for.

You can listen to “I’m In Love With His Dreams” below: