
Virgin of the Birds, “Spooky, Stony, Barely Over Thirty”

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Virgin of the Birds is an awesome band led by songwriter Jon Rooney. Interestingly enough, the band was named after a poor English translation of a Salvatore Dali painting, which I think is just a cool way to get a band name. The band has just released a new single, and we have the premiere for you.

The track itself is called “Spooky, Stony, Barely Over Thirty”. It presents itself as a single personal anecdote, as the vocals provide a backdrop and a story. The song has a slight folk sound to it, mixed with some 90’s rock and a hint of nostalgia.

In regards to the track, Rooney explains, “I started with the word ‘spooky,’ as in the Dennis Yost song from the ’60’s, because I liked the sound of the word then tacked on ‘stony,’ as in the song ‘Stony Creation’ from an old LA band called the Summer Hits that my friend Jim turned me onto. The rest of the song unrolled pretty quickly from there, tackling the dizzying reality of growing out of one’s proper youth and dealing with the need to stay excited about new stuff rather than draping yourself in nostalgia to feel young forever. I also really wanted to write a Virgin of the Birds song that people could dance to, like the way people dance to old Stax songs at a wedding.”

We feel that, Jon. We certainly do.