
Von Sell, “Names”

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On October 14th, electro pop newcomer Von Sell will release his self-titled EP. To buy some time until it’s out, we’ve got the exclusive premiere of his new track “Names”.

“The song really is about getting older. Something that’s been on my mind since before I was 18, strangely enough,” explains Von Sell. “The fear of it, which I believe ultimately is tied to the fear of aloneness and insignificance, but also the acceptance and the ease and relief that comes with it. I believe more and more that growing up or maturing mainly is about becoming less and less full of shit. Ultimately, I think, that’s the beauty and privilege of getting older.”

The sentiment translates well, although it’s portrayed in a more bubblegum pop way, loaded with synth and beautiful echoes of sound. It’s the perfect track to listen to while enjoying the seasonal transitions, a thermos in hand, reminiscing on all of the goodness this year has brought.

Cheers to the new work, Von Sell.

Von Sell is out October 14th. Keep up with Von Sell here.