
Weed, “Yr Songs”

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A mixture of the blissfully lighthearted and heavily stern melds together, almost unidentifiably, on Weed’s second single, “Yr Songs”, from their forthcoming Running Back album. From its start, the track’s tone is energized with perfectly employed effectual distinction and tenacity maintained throughout. As is its fortified rhythm section. Yet little snippets of melody, and the ubiquitous indifference of the vocals prevent the song’s constitution from being definitely upbeat. An ambiguously placed slide up to the third chord of each verse pulls at the heartstrings in an almost dissonant beauty, and forces the question of, “was that sadness?” while the chorus’ dronish repetition of “hold still” solidifies a somber tone in the song’s composition. The themes on “Yr Songs” seem intentionally unsure of themselves, creatively teetering on the line between being full of life, and downtrodden, similarly to the bittersweet sentiments of their first single, “Stay in the Summer.”

Running Back will be available on April 7 via Lefse. You can stream “Yr Songs” below.