
Aggregate streaming platform launches

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Domino fm

You might be asking yourself, “does the world need another streaming platform?” But what if you could go to one place and pull all of the streams out there into one handy aggregated list? Then it wouldn’t matter how many there are, right? is a streaming music mobile web app that aggregates directly from the blogs and music news sources you already read, as well as Rdio and Soundcloud. And unlike Hype Machine or, it’s not based on algorithms (seriously, you only Googled “granny panties” that one time). Instead it’s built on your personal preferences and your favorite music news sources (ahem).

Shameless self promotion warning: Impose is included in the network of websites you can cull from to stream every track we post.

The app comes in two versions: free, which allows you to access and create playlists from already existing blog content, and one that comes with a Rdio account that allows you to access their entire library.

You can learn more about here, or watch the promo video below.