
Noveller scores NY Times animated Op-Doc

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Pangea NY Times Sarah Lipstate Noveller

Sarah Lipstate and her Noveller project are no stranger to film scores. Already an acclaimed filmmaker and composer, Lipstate’s latest album under the moniker, Fantastic Planet, dropped last month via Fire Records, and one listen will quickly inform you how ideal her music is for the soundtrack world. As Jake Saunders recently wrote:

[Noveller’s] music is highly cinematic in nature; the choices she makes evoke vast and highly animated landscapes, ambiguous worlds that seem to float in and out of dream-like states. This is the kind of music that allows one to let the imagination take hold, where little is grounded and much is up for interpretation.

Chock that up that as a timely coincidence (or accidentally predicting the future), because Noveller has just scored an animated documentary for The New York Times’ “Animated Life” series. Created by Flora Lichtman and Sharon Shattuck, the latest installment, entitled “Pangea”, tells the story of polar explorer Alfred Wegener, the unlikely scientist behind continental drift theory.

His story is almost as unlikely as finding info on Lipstate’s score, as she is not mentioned until the ending credits. Still, it’s an interesting watch with an equally interesting soundtrack, which you can watch in it’s entirety here.