
Heptagames Return To Catskills July 18 and 19

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Heptagames is a yearly arts+music festival run by The Silent Barn.

Heptagames, a yearly, weekend-long music and arts festival produced at-cost by Brooklyn venue The Silent Barn in collaboration with site-specific game designers Franklin Chthonics, is caravanning to Franklin, New York a week from Saturday. The festival will feature group gaming, food by The Trough (Silent Barn’s resident restaurant), and music from Peter Stampfel of the Holy Modal Rounders, Eric Timothy Carlson, Nonhorse x DJ Housewife. Art installations will also dot Franklin Chthonics’ 500 acres. The ticket price includes camping (though the site also features a large barn for those desiring covered accommodations), activities, and food. If you’re looking for a reason to get out of the city, you can purchase tickets here and read more about the festival below.

$100 | Round-trip transportation and delicious meals included. This festival is produced at-cost.

100+ folks gather to play games in the forest, feast on local food, swim in the lakes, enjoy site-specific performances, and create maps of the realm.

Ziplining into the water. Hidden tents and candle-lit huts in the woods. A Walkabout through forests, meadows, and streams. Sculpture unearthed from the Farm Dump. Smashball in the giant barn. A choir directed by shapes and colors. And a massive bonfire on the hillside.

The caravan leaves from Silent Barn (603 Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn) on Saturday, July 18th at 9 a.m. and returns on Sunday at 9 p.m.

Fresh, delicious meals included, lovingly catered by The Trough (known as the “Belly of the Barn”).

Tents encouraged—there are acres of beautiful woods and meadows for camping. Otherwise, everyone is welcome to sleep in the Barn. Bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, blankets, etc.) is essential.

Bring a surprise.