
Jade Tree Records puts its entire catalog on Bandcamp

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jade tree records

Jade Tree—the indie label responsible for releases from bands like Pedro The Lion, Slutever, Cap’n Jazz, Fucked Up, and Kid Dynamite (the list goes on and on)—just put its entire catalog on Bandcamp.

This is awesome for a few reasons: (1) All the releases are fully streamable without any pesky commercial interruptions; (2) all LPs, EPs and singles only cost $5, $4 and $2, respectively; and (3) now the entire discography is available for download in nearly every digital audio format, as per Bandcamp usual.

I just hope that they used batch upload for all these releases, because there are a shit ton of them.

Head over to Jade Tree’s Bandcamp to stream and download every release, and stream the imprint’s newest release from Dark Blue below.