
Lee Bannon, “cope. (the flood)”

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You could say that Lee Bannon is killing it right now. Right off the tail of his fresh Fantastic Plastic LP and his deep and dark Caligula Theme Music EP, comes the lead single from his new EP Cope and it's a banger as per usual.

“cope. (the flood)” explores a similar territory from Caligula Theme Music, but instead of rehashing the same general ideas, Lee Bannon takes what he learned and puts it in an entirely new environment. The song utilizes its underlying ambience and space to create an overwhelming and gorgeous beat. The trap-influenced drum patterns act as a strangler to the vocal samples, which sound like they're gasping for their last breath. As the song thickens, the impending doom and damage of the beat continue to destroy everything in it's path, leaving untouched a layer of decay. If Burial sipped some Purple Drank, then he'd make something like “cope. (the flood).” Utterly dope.
Lee Bannon's Cope EP is due soon. Stream “cope. (the flood)” below.