
Tonstartssbandht’s Andy White perfectly summarizes Mac DeMarco arrest with one look

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By now you’ve probably heard the news that Mac DeMarco was detained by police for rowdy behavior at his UCSB performance on Friday night, abruptly ending the show. According to The Santa Barbara Independent, roughly ten minutes into DeMarco’s set, security officers got on the stage and shined a light on the audience and reportedly arrested one 22-year-old male for challenging concert-goers as well as security officers to fight. UCSB police officers also arrested a 21-year-old UCSB female student for moshing.

A few moments later, DeMarco, who was crowd-surfing atop the intimate crowd (attendance was reported to only be about 100 people), grabbed onto the ceiling beams to pull himself out of the audience, climbed upstairs and then walked down the stairs back to the stage. At that point he was detained. It wasn’t until they spoke with him outside that police realized they had arrested the headlining performer. The confusion on Andy White’s face in this regram Mac posted says it all:

A concert attendee explained the situation to the Independent—while taking the time to bash Slayer for some reason—thusly:

“It was definitely not some Slayer concert,” said attendee Haley Snyder who said the crowd was relatively small and mellow. “[Associated Students] wants to put on these on campus shows as an alternative to kids partying in Isla Vista. What was supposed to be an intimate concert turned into ‘I can’t believe the police are acting this way’… There was no danger in the crowd.”