
Parts & Labor go on hiatus

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Parts & Labor

Brooklyn's Parts & Labor are the latest band from the mid-2000's Williamsburg scene to call it quits, at least temporarily. However, before they go, they are playing two more shows with their friend-bands, at which they will play songs from each record. You might be thinking “Oh, but Parts & Labor have three records, are they only gonna play two?” The answer is no, we just missed posting about the first show, which was on the 18th at Death By Audio with Knyfe Hyts, Antimagic, and Zulus. They performed songs from Mapmaker. We will not make the mistake twice! Here are the upcoming shows:

12/16/11 Brooklyn, NY- Knitting Factory (performing songs from Stay Afraid) w/ Pterodactyl
02/24/11 Brooklyn, NY- 285 Kent Ave.- 10th anniversary fest w/ Oneida, Talk Normal, more TBA.

Also, enjoy my favorite Parts & Labor video, the one where the house gets built around them as they play.