
Don't Hiat-us: There's been a Speedy Ortiz shake-up

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Speedy Ortiz

Yesterday in a brief flurry of tweets, Sadie Dupis confirmed a couple major Speedy Ortiz developments:

  • Long-time guitarist, Matt Robidoux, will be taking an indefinite hiatus from Speedy.
  • The band will tour on however, with Devin McKnight (guitarist from fellow Massachusetts band and former Speedy Ortiz tourmates, Grass is Green) filling in on fret duty for their remaining dates.

According to Carpark's website, those existing dates will take Speedy Ortiz + McKnight across Europe, with a few US stops peppered in, through the end of August.

What Sadie's (or Robidoux's or McKnight's) Twitter did not confirm last night was whether or not this shake up signals a new era for Robidoux's other band, Pony Bones. It's probably safe to assume as much but that, admittedly, is me reading between lines of 140 characters or less.

Ponder the impermanence of life while you flip through some authentically-grainy disposable camera photos shot by Grass is Green from their tour with Speedy Ortiz this past winter. And then check out Speedy Ortiz's pics in all their disposable splendor.