
The Jabberwocky plot thickens

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jabberwocky festival poster

Yesterday it was announced that the ATP/Pitchfork/Primavera Sound-curated Jabberwocky fest that was supposed to kick off this weekend in London was canceled. In a letter posted on their website, ATP head Barry Hogan cited a lack of funds “in an increasingly aggressive festival market” as the ultimate undoing. Hogan went on to assure fans that “Refunds will be available to all customers at the point of purchase.”

For many, the point of purchase was through the independent ticket broker Dash Tickets UK, so the common assumption has been that they would be the ones issuing refunds to those who bought tickets. Not so says Dash.

In a strongly worded, and legally sensitive post on Facebook, Dash explained that the money, plus further advances, were paid to ATP. With the lede of “SUBJECT TO LEGAL PROCEEDINGS”, the post read:

We are terribly disappointed to hear the news today that ATP has cancelled the Jabberwocky event scheduled for this weekend. Our entire team has poured immense effort into helping ATP with their ticketing programme over the past several months, investing considerable time, money and energy, all in good faith.

Our trust in ATP seems to have been misplaced, as their emails to fans and customers today concerning refunds have become deliberately misleading. It is for this reason that we feel compelled to make it clear that Dash has given to ATP all funds that Dash received for ticket sales to Jabberwocky. In addition to giving ATP all the ticketing funds, Dash has made substantial advances to ATP which remain unpaid, as do considerable fees for the work we have undertaken on their behalf.

It is important that everyone knows that Dash Tickets is in no way responsible for ATPs financial problems, nor with their conduct post cancellation. We are very keen to learn where the money has gone!

We thought more of ATP and its Directors. We hope that they will do the right thing and expedite refunds to all fans.

Dash will now take legal advice with the aim of commencing legal proceedings against ATP (Willwal Limited), to attempt to recover all funds.

As music lovers and event fans ourselves, we share in the frustration around this cancellation and we will do its utmost to help as many of you as possible.


Dash Tickets

For their part, Pitchfork is remaining decidedly mum on the topic, going as far as to remove their name as one of the presenters.

Jabberwocky canceled

With the weight they carry, one would have to believe they could’ve helped alleviate the costs, whether through partnering sponsors or their own funding. Pitchfork’s apparent “washing of their hands” of the matter, would lend credibility to the notion that ATP has not been acting in great faith. We’ll update this post as news develops, in the meantime, we’re happy to announce that most of the touring bands have found replacement shows throughout London this weekend.