
Killer Mike pens essay on Mike Brown in a plea for humanity over agenda

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Since the shooting of unarmed black teenager Mike Brown by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, public tension has been high with civil protest, SWAT police arriving to abate protestors, and riots ensuing as a result. The event is under investigation by the FBI after the encouragement of the NAACP and a multitude of agenda-driven discussion has spread like wildfire across talking head platforms.

Recording artist Killer Mike penned an essay today asking that we look beyond the riots, the agendas, and the pointing of fingers. His essay, posted to Instagram, asks that we look at a photo of two grieving parents whose child was executed in the street and left there to bleed out in public display, that we stop seeing opportunity and simply look at the pain caused by inhumane atrocity. Read Mike’s essay in full, below:

We are human beings. We deserve to be buried by our children not the other way around. No matter how u felt about black people look at this mother and look at this father and tell me as a human being how u cannot feel empathy for them. How can u not feel sympathy for their pain and loss. These are not ‘THOTS, niggas/niggers, hoes, Ballers, Divas.’ These two people are parents. They are humans that produced a child and loved that child and that child was slaughtered like Game and left face down as public spectacle while his blood drained down the street.

Look at the pain of this mother; look into her eyes. Look at the man behind her. Look at that father made helpless and hurt that he cud not defend his seed. Don’t debate. Don’t insert your agenda. Save me the bullshit Black On Black Crime speech and look at these two Noble creatures called humans and look at what govt-sanctioned murder has done. It has robbed them of their humanity and replaced it with pain and shame, suffering and hurt.

I don’t care if others rioted or why. I don’t care that ballplayers and rappers are what they shud be. I care that we as humans care as much about one another more. I care we see past Class, race and culture and honor the humanity that unites our species. Stop talking and LOOK at these PEOPLE. LOOK at these HUMANS and stand with them against a system allows a Human PIG to slaughter their child. Forgive any typos love and respect u all.