
It's always summer in Orlando

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Total Punk Summer Where's the Party Shirt

While they're busy working on upcoming releases, Orlando-based Floridas Dying Records decided to blast us with some of their TOTAL PUNK label's Deep Southern charm sonic violence. Earlier today they unleashed the TOTAL PUNK SUMMER MIX as a little something to help you forget the adult fact that the sweltering sunny season no longer gives you cart blanche to get fucked up and fuck around.

Instead, blast some hate from the likes of Buck Biloxi & The Fucks, Bits of Shit, GGKing, Lumpy & The Dumpers, Manatees and Golden Pelicans and throw your body into a sweat pit until you purge yourself of all the anger… or just pass out.

And while you're listening, feel free to peruse some shots from last month's Golden Pelicans and Manatees show with Memphis hardcore surf-punks, Gimp Teeth, at Murphy's.