
The all music episode for June

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This week on the Audio Imposition, Eric plays a lot of music and says a few incorrect things. Let this be a lesson to never believe anything you hear on the internet either. During this episode, Eric talks about the new Digital Leather & The Hussy split 12″ on Southpaw Records (The Hussy is actually from Madison, WI not Omaha, NE like Digital Leather), expands a bit on Warren S. Britt's Awww You Mad?! EP (and gets Chaz Van Queen's name wrong the first time!), talks about Towkio's Hotchips N Chopstix EP, discusses the awesome back-to-back Priests shows, Your Old Droog self-titled EP, and then Eric waxes lyrically on Jawbreaker Reunion (the band, not the event) only to be interrupted by power tools.

Digital Leather – Lately
Digital Leather – Their Eyes are On Fire
The Hussy – Studs in Love
The Hussy – WWDLD?
Warren S. Britt – Fall Out Boy and Girl
Warren S. Britt – Young
Towkio – Abstract
In Circles – (Let Go of) The Goddamn Bicycle
Priests – Modern Love / No Weapon
In School – Conquest
Hysterese – Asperger Youth
Your Old Droog – Nutty Bars
Your Old Droog – Droog's Anthem
Jawbreaker Reunion – Laughing Alone Eating a Salad
Jawbreaker Reunion – E.M.O.
Jawbreaker Reunion – Straightedge Revenge
Jawbreaker Reunion – Jeggings