

Healthy or Hungover #12

Every band was just in Texas for South by South West. Except mine. Prince Rama wished we could have gone but had to skip the

Holodeck Records

Holodeck Records

HOLODECK was started in April 2012 by Adam from S U R V I V E, Justin & Matt from Thousand Foot Whale Claw, Austin

Fans during Joyce Manor at FYF 2012. Photo by Matt Draper.

2012 Festivals and Hype

Generally, we prefer attending shows at small venues and DIY spaces. However, our photographers made the trek to attend a few festivals this year and


Austin’s Kurrakä

Unless you’re from Austin or just really good at the Internet, chances of finding any real information on the female trio Kurrakä is next to

Boyfrndz, “Surfs Up”

Austin trio Boyfrndz share “Surf's Up” with us, the second single off their upcoming release All Day Pass. Boyfrndz's sound is made up of heavy,