
At Home With Oh Pep!

Post Author: Impose Automaton

While Australian folk pop duo Oh Pep! makes an appearance at Knuckleheads in Kansas City in support of Valerie June tomorrow night (Tickets are available here!), we’re pleased to present a photo journal they submitted titled “At Home With Oh Pep!”, where they take us around to the places that serve as staples to them and their music. The photos were taken with a Polaroid, adding a certain esthetic that makes their lives seem even more appealing. Enjoy some Oh Pep! goodness in the background as you sift through the next few shots.
Olivia & Pepi in Park
Olivia & Pepi in Park :
Here we are in a park in Melbourne. There were unruly dogs involved in this outing, but they had better things to do than get their pic taken with us.
Olivia at Milkshakes
Olivia at Milkshakes :
Here is Liv in the top secret pool hall / milkshake location where we go for chill times post-show. Open til 2AM everyday of the year.
Olivia in Writing Space
Olivia in Writing Space :
This is Liv in her element and her room, where a lot of brainstorming and song forming happens. Many book titles have been referenced from that shelf.
Pepi at Bar
Pepi at Bar :
Generally there are other people at this bar, we promise. In fact, there are people there all the time because they have the best gigs going ’round. We’re at Some Velvet Morning often.
Pepi in Rehearsal Space
Pepi in Rehearsal Space :
This is where other people join forces with Oh Pep! and we make the music sound bigger and bolder. We also attempt to play all the instruments in this space. It is also Pepi’s mum’s art studio, so it’s a pretty vibing.
Pepi on Bike
Pepi on Bike :
The best/only way to get around town, other than cars, trains, trams, hovercraft, etc. One time, we took folding bikes on tour (not pictured) and rode to venues and from airports on them because we were incredibly naive and had no sense of distance.