
Eric Bachmann of Crooked Fingers

Post Author:
eric bachmann

If you’re going to talk about sound sculpture then it seems appropriate to start with Harry Bertoia. There’s one in Chicago at the Aon Center. This is in some barn— maybe Harry Bertoia’s barn studio—being activated by his son, Val, a genius in his own right:

I don’t know who built or conceptualized this. I have a great memory of walking past it a few years ago when I was on tour in Australia and being blown away. I think it’s gone now so I’m glad some one preserved here:

It is satisfying when people salvage old things and put them to good use.

My mother lives in Guatemala and I came across the work of the Guatemalan composer, Joaquin Orellana when visiting her. This sound sculpture is apparently based on his work.

This floated around Facebook awhile back so I was reticent to put it up for fear of being too trendy. Good thing it doesn’t matter. Brilliant and damn funny.