
Hit Bargain, “Cheap Death”

Post Author: Justin Hernandez

“Cheap Death” is the title of the Peter Kalisch directed music video for LA’s Hit Bargain and it is also the concept behind the video itself. More specifically, the director was inspired by the result of consumerism being prioritized over creation and the potential for freedom to also enslave. Such a concept is not readily apparent upon a first viewing as the video captures a variety of performers and performances that range from unsettling to erotic, all depending not only on the eye of the auteur who directed the video, but also that of the viewer who beholds it.

The Hit Bargain song behind the video is likely more accessible to the average viewer than the video itself, but the images add a depth to the track that a standard performance video simply could not. As stated above, the shots of performers ball gagged or feeding one another handfuls of green slime could elicit any number of responses and feelings from the viewer, but what matters is that they will undoubtedly elicit something from the viewer. This in and of itself is an accomplishment in an age when music videos are oftentimes thought of as disposable or merely an afterthought.

The “Cheap Death” video serves as some sort of rock and roll Rorschach test as I can’t tell you what you will see when you watch the video. “Cheap Death” as a song is obviously performed and sung with passion and its video clearly evidences the passion with which it was filmed and created. Whether it garners a passionate response from the viewer is a question for each individual, but it will likely always at least garner a visceral one.

Hit Bargain is on tour:
July 21 – La Puente – Bridgetown DIY
July 22 – San Diego – Che Cafe * %
July 23 – Mexicali – La Buchaca %
July 24 – Tijuana – Mods Bar & Venue %
July 25 – Los Angeles – Pehrspace benefit hosted by KXLU

* with Peter Kalisch
& with Miscegenation and more, Bastidas!

“Cheap Death” is the premiere video from Hit Bargain’s self-titled album that is available now on Bandcamp. You can follow Hit Bargain on their Tumblr.

**photo by Tina Jo