
The Wild Reeds, “Blind and Brave”

Post Author: Sjimon Gompers

Bringing songs of the Pacific sea and from the city are LA’s The Wild Reeds, with the premiere of their video for “Blind and Brave”, directed by Ryan Maxey. The video for the title track from their upcoming album celebrates the dreamers and believers in Los Angeles, as Kinsey, Mack, Sharon, Nick, and Jones sing and strum their instruments out of the shadows and into busy street bustle of real life. Maxey’s video connects the earthy minstrel ballads from The Wild Reeds music to the hot concrete pavement scenes of day-to-day happenings amid the multicultural landscapes that make up the communities of LA.

The Wild Reeds are earnest in their love of the city, it’s citizens, and lively sites. Maxey moves the camera through the Latin American sections where locals abound around restaurants, markets, and painted murals containing the heartbeat of the city. The message of “love your city” is written on the walls and sang in The Wild Reeds’ lyrics through an assemblage of electric and acoustic instrumentation coupled with a video that unite the various characters, neighborhoods, districts, and distinct characteristics of LA — “Blind and Brave” shows you how to love it all. With more about embracing the city with confidence and courage, The Wild Reeds wrote the following to us about the video and song:

“Blind and Brave” was inspired by a friend who had relocated to Los Angeles to get into the recording and promotional side of the music industry. I too was a new-comer to Los Angeles, and was immediately captivated by the fervor and guts that he had, at such a young age, to just dive in. The story of the song broadened to try to show the working class’ struggle, and in that, ones contribution to their city. I think that translated well in the video that Ryan Maxey made. He is a strong advocate for Los Angeles and we were thrilled to have his vision for the video. All the moments captured were organic, and many of the shots are of our favorite spots in the city.

In the end no matter where you go, or what your dream is, you must begin by being blind and brave. It requires vulnerability and a positive outlook. That’s what we’re trying to do.

The Wild Reeds’ album Blind and Brave will be available August 9, with pre-order available via Bandcamp, and their release party the same night at LA’s The Troubadour with Brother Grand, and Kera & The Lesbians.

the wild reeds poster