
Take epic quest for Aesop's new video

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Been giving Aesop Rock a lot of attention lately, but it's hard not to when Mr. Bavitz's marketing strategies, unlike most, don't bore us to huge alligator tears- he sells us shit by entertaining us. Scary, I guess.

Anyway, he's making us work for a preview of his new video, which honestly is worth the grueling pop quiz/trip to Castlevania (that replaces vampires with chain-smoking cartoons in animal costumes). It's got a retro Metropolis tact, or maybe just a 1930s depression era tact, with angular cut outs of the New York skyline, but, again, replace the armies of worker drones with chain-smoking cartoons in animal costumes.

We had to figure out all the questions ourselves so we're not going to help you, not even with this random combination of letters: NSP, C, B, C, B.

Take the quest and watch the new video here.